
Version History

5.4.8Sunday 4th February 2018

Fixed URL not saving on when editing a side box

5.4.7Monday 29th January 2018

Fixed mother's and father's details not showing when printing an application

5.4.6Sunday 7th January 2018

Fees - Added more fee types
Fees - Added ability to change fee type

5.4.5Sunday 20th August 2017

Fixed homepage not saving when an image is uploaded
Fixed history not saving images
Fixed homepage and history images not showing after saving

5.4.4Tuesday 25th July 2017

The news link in the navigation bar now goes to the Facebook page

5.4.3Saturday 24th June 2017

Fixed files larger than 2MB not being able to be uploaded
Fixed issue with not being able to add new year term dates
Fixed datepicker not showing when adding new year term dates

5.4.2Sunday 14th May 2017

Fixed 'required' spelt wrong on the apply for a place page
Fixed mothers and fathers details not showing when viewing an application

5.4.1Sunday 7th May 2017

Fixed local offer PDF downloading automatically on mobile/tablet devices
PDF's will now download on mobile/tablet devices without opening a new tab

5.4.0Sunday 30th April 2017

Local offer added to navigation bar if PDF uploaded though the admin panel
Administrator's can now upload a PDF for the local offer
Uniforms links moved from the navigation bar to the parents information page
Fixed print dialog not showing when clicking on the link to print an application form
Fixed bug where the error messages don't appear when uploading a PDF for a parents information page
Fixed bug where the save button was showing twice on the edit PDF parents information pages

5.3.8Saturday 22nd April 2017

Fixed comment message limit being set at 255

5.3.7Friday 31st March 2017

Fixed styling issues when viewing emails on Outlook

5.3.6Friday 31st March 2017

Fixed bug where invoices would not generate if the current day is the last day of term

5.3.5Sunday 19th February 2017

Fixed bug where the logs page would not load
Added pagination to the logs page

5.3.4Sunday 5th February 2017

Fixed bug where next and previous buttons on the parents information pages do not link to the correct page

5.3.3Wednesday 25th January 2017

Fixed bug where an error would occur if entering text instead of numbers into the amount due field when adding a child to the fees system
Fixed bug when viewing an update which has not been sent the unsent updates still show in the list

5.3.2Thursday 12th January 2017

Fixed bug which wouldn't let administrator's add a payment in the fees system if the week was changed
Fixed bug where the incorrect child's name would appear when deleting a child from the fees system

5.3.1Monday 9th January 2017

Fixed bug which wouldn't let administrator's add a payment in the fees system
Fixed bug on the generate invoice cron

5.3.0Friday 30th December 2016

Fees - Money earned added to dashboard
Fees - Money owed added to dashboard
Added cache busting to CSS and JS

5.2.0Thursday 29th December 2016

Version page improved
Link added to opening dates and times page which shows previous term dates

5.1.0Thursday 29th December 2016

Administrator's can now select a start week for a child on fees
Fixed issue with buttons on fees not working

5.0.1Wednesday 28th December 2016

Fixed version number not updating when adding a new update
Fixed times used not showing on system settings

5.0.0Friday 23rd December 2016

Changed from CodeIgniter 2 to Laravel 5.3
Minor design changes on the public view pages
Design and usability imporvements to the admin panel
Manage parents information in the admin panel has been re-designed and re-developed from the ground up
Manage users is no longer displayed when logged in, instead the websites statistics have been moved to the dashboard
Manage applications now uses a status dropdown instead of clicking icons
Re-ordering of staff and pages can now be done without selecting a re-arrange icon
Times used added to system settings
Administrator's can now add and re-position the side boxes
Email templates have been re-designed
Meet the team page layout has been changed slightly
Facebook news boxes colours changed
Facebook likes now have profile pictures
Favicon updated

4.16.8Friday 19th August 2016

Bug fixes

4.16.7Wednesday 23rd December 2015

Administrator's can now delete payments from the fees system

4.16.6Wednesday 18th November 2015

Bug fixed which caused errors when adding a new staff member

4.16.5Tuesday 20th October 2015

Facebook news changed to pull from the new Facebook page
Apply for a place and uniforms menu links fixed on mobile
Bug fixes

4.16.4Friday 2nd October 2015

Apply for a uniform removed and replaced with Schoople link
Minor improvements
Bug fixes

4.16.3Wednesday 16th September 2015

Validation improvements when adding/editing parents information pages
Bug fixes

4.16.2Monday 14th September 2015

Bug fixed when deleting a child on the fees system

4.16.1Sunday 13th September 2015

Slideshows on the room pages are now on the page instead of clicking a link

4.16.0Sunday 6th September 2015

Room numbers changed to new room names (Red/Green)
Administrator's can now add a new parents information page
Administrator's can now delete a parents information page
JIRA has been removed from the admin control panel
When saving a staff member, the meet the team page stays open instead of closing
Bug fixes

4.15.0Monday 24th August 2015

Administrator's can now edit the side boxes
Fees System - Weekends now included
Fees System - Reports now fixed

4.14.6Thursday 13th August 2015

Added video support for Facebook posts

4.14.5Sunday 2nd August 2015

Fees System - You can now add a child during half term as bug has been fixed
Other small bug fixes on the fees system

4.14.4Wednesday 22nd July 2015

Fees System - Delete a child option added
Bug fixed when viewing comments on the admin control panel, it was showing an incorrect format
Bug fixed on the date/time when viewing an error log (Error log id: 218)
Bug fixed on the public mobile comments page, it was showing an incorrect format
Fees System - Bug fixed on the add payment calendar, Monday should have been the first day of the week not Sunday
When editing a comment in the admin control panel, you can now cancel the edit
When editing the opening dates and times in the admin control panel:
A calendar now shows to select dates
You can now add and delete terms
Bug fixed which was showing an incorrect date format when previewing the changes
On the public parents information pages, the next and previous links have been changed to use the blue button

4.14.3Monday 13th July 2015

Fees System - Bug fixed where you were unable to add a child or change the amount due each week

4.14.2Sunday 28th June 2015

Fees System - Administrator's can now change the 'Amount Due Each Week' value for previous weeks
Fees System - Select a child dropdown box is now in alphabetical order
Fees System - Select a week dropdown is now more human readable
Bug fixes

4.14.1Friday 19th June 2015

Comment box styling has been changed to match the Facebook news posts
Main logs front end added

4.14.0Saturday 13th June 2015

News page now pulls posts from the Facebook group
Small improvements
Bug fixes

4.13.3Tuesday 9th June 2015

Fees System - Invoice history now available for each child

4.13.2Saturday 6th June 2015

Fees System - Administrator's can now generate a weekly report for each room

4.13.1Wednesday 3rd June 2015

Application email notifications can now to get sent to multiple emails
The emails can be modified from the system settings tab
SSL certificate added
News no longer gets added through the website and instead a link to the Facebook group has been added to the news page and the side bar boxes down the right hand side of the page
Privacy policy updated
Bug fixes

4.13.0Monday 1st June 2015

Fees system now available

4.12.7Wednesday 20th May 2015

Administrator's can now add and delete sections from the room pages
Small change to each section's user interface when editing the room pages

4.12.6Thursday 7th May 2015

Admin control panel - loading spinner images - colour fixed to match the background colour
Other small bug fixes

4.12.5Monday 4th May 2015

Administrator's can now change the homepage image
Whitelist and blacklist links on the IP control tab (Admin Control Panel) have been changed to buttons
Bug fixes

4.12.4Thursday 30th April 2015

Administrator's can now update, enable and disable the announcement message on the homepage
Error logging improvements
Bug fixes

4.12.3Saturday 25th April 2015

Error log system added
Downtime now logged
Google bot mobile detection fixed
Bug fixes
Small styling changes

4.12.2Sunday 19th April 2015

Hit counter data can now be viewed through the admin control panel

4.12.1Thursday 16th April 2015

Apply for a place print application updated

4.12.0Friday 10th April 2015

Mobile version of the public site launched
Subscribe feature removed
Small site improvements
Bug fixes

4.11.2Sunday 5th April 2015

External iFrames are now bigger and responsive to the screen size
Same with viewing PDF's
JIRA link added to the admin control dashboard
Overall width of the website has been made slightly wider

4.11.1Wednesday 1st April 2015

Apply for a place application now includes parents contact details and how did you hear about us
Administrator's apply for a place view updated to reflect the changes

4.11.0Monday 16th February 2015

Administrator's can now edit the history page
Administrator's can now edit the contact page

4.10.4Saturday 7th February 2015

Minor changes to the way the add news section looks
Added a loader to the verification on the comments page
Added a loader to Google maps on the contact us page
Administrator's can now re-arrange the order of the pages on the parents information page
Bug fixes

4.10.3Saturday 31st January 2015

Administrator's can now re-arrange the order of staff positions on the 'Meet The Team' page
The rest of the form submit buttons now changed to the new button style
Admin users tab re-designed
Administrator's now have view access to the users tab
Administrator's now have view access to the updates tab
Bug fixes

4.10.2Wednesday 28th January 2015

Administrator's can now add and delete staff members from the meet the team page
The admin meet the team page design changed to match the rest of the admin system

4.10.1Friday 16th January 2015

IP control modifications
Bug fixes
Form submit buttons changed

4.10.0Saturday 10th January 2015

Administrator's can now edit room pages
Code improvements
Bug fixes

4.9.1Sunday 28th December 2014

Bug fixes

4.9.0Friday 26th December 2014

Improved UI to administrator's 'News' page
Bug fixes

4.8.0Sunday 21st December 2014

Improved UI to administrator's 'Apply For A Place', 'Apply For A Uniform' and 'Comments' pages
Administrator's can now print off 'Apply For A Place' applications, mark an application as being accepted if the child is attending the nursery and add applications to a waiting list to prioritise applications over others
Administrator's now have the option to edit comments after approval and remove the comment from public view without having to fully delete the comment

4.7.0Saturday 13th December 2014

Administrator's can now edit the 'Meet The Team' page
The 'System Updates' notification email now display the new updates in the email instead of a link to the 'Updates' page

4.6.0Tuesday 9th December 2014

Add news fixed where administrator's had issues with uploading attachments
New administrator layout for editing parents information pages
Code improvements / bug fixes

4.5.1Saturday 29th November 2014

Fixed ticks pushing text onto the next line on the playground page
Price of ordered uniforms shows price from the order date and not the current prices
Some user interface changes

4.5.0Friday 21st November 2014

Administrator's can now add comments through the 'Administrator Control Panel'
Code improvements
Bug fixes

4.4.3Sunday 16th November 2014

Add news issue fixed
Code improvements
Removed temporary files as Google have updated their search results

4.4.2Thursday 23rd October 2014

Food hygiene certificate added to side bar
Fixed issue with not being able to delete a system setting
Administrator's now have limited access to system settings
Fixed issue with version numbers not adding up correctly

4.4.1Sunday 19th October 2014

Added verification to the comments page to stop spam comments being posted
Fixed issue with the apply for a place form where data would disappear if invalid data was entered into the form
Version history comments have been fixed so the text is back on the same line as the tick

4.4.0Wednesday 15th October 2014

Back-end code updates/improvements
Administrator's can now edit parents information pages

4.3.2Tuesday 7th October 2014

Codebase update

4.3.1Monday 6th October 2014

Added temporary files for redirection as Google have not updated some links their search results yet. This is so you can still access sub links from Google's search results

4.3.0Tuesday 30th September 2014

Minor code changes to allow dynamic coding on some parts and general code improvements
Added ability for a super administrator to add updates and also the version number will update accordingly to in the footer
Added a version history page. To view the latest website updates click on 'version x.x.x' in the footer
Administrator's can now change the price of fees
Added notice to deleting a system setting


Fixed styling issue on info bar after changing your password at first time login


Fixed administrator not receiving an email containing their password when creating their account
Fixed administrator not being sent a new password when a super administrator resets their password
Some minor changes to the hit counter system
Fixed info bar not showing any colours/styles when an account is logged into for the first time


Submit button changed on the comments page to the new blue button
Fixed issue with duplicate text of 'newsletter' on the news uploads (Admin Control Panel)
Fixed date issue on the news page which shown all the same date
Fixed issue with the unsubscribe feature not working after clicking on the link in the email


Re-built on a CodeIgniter2 to allow organised code structure
Administrator control panel added for a small CMS (Content Management System)
This includes managing applications for a place, uniforms, adding news and approving new comments
Improved hit counter system
Hit counter disabled for computers on the Westwood Smarties network
Added a subscribe feature which allows subscribed users to be notified by email of new news
Email disclaimer added (link in the footer) due to the system now sending out emails
Privacy policy added due to data being stored on the server